Data Dynasty

About us:

Our team, comprising Fidan Mammadli, Gular Yusubova, Shahd Elaydy, and Leyla Aliyeva, undertook the challenge of organizing an extended two-hour Hour of Code event at Dunya School, deviating from the initially planned 60-minute session. Despite resource limitations, we aimed to make the coding experience inclusive for approximately 66 third-year students.

Gular Yusubova

Gular is a first year IT and has passion in web development. She is as passionate about creating websites as she is about learning. Her leisure includes listening to music that helps to restore her nerves, and she likes watching different interesting programs. She’s more than a student. She is a driven future web designer who combines creativity with analytical thinking in a world where everything goes digital.

Shahd Elaydy

First-year IT student – Shahd has her eyes set on studying in an impressive fashion. With regard to learning, Shahd is open to novel technologies that are constantly emerging in the global domain. She plays with beautiful words in her spare time venturing into unexplored terrains of language. Shahd’s artist nature becomes manifest in painting that expresses creativity beyond computer. Shahd is a lively person who is not only a student but she has also developed interest in artistic expressions as well as desire for more knowledge.

Leyla Aliyeva

Leyla is an enthusiastic young student who likes to study a lot. The subtle piano notes are beyond where she feels safe. Additionally, they serve as an indication of her artistic skills. Leyla’s downtime involves watching movies and enjoying some adventurous movies. She is fascinated with robotechonogies and navigates the fastpaced universe of technology and art. Leyla is an all-included personality who is far more than just a student; she also loves watching films and listening to music, is passionate about technology, and so forth.

Fidan Mammadli

This is Fidan, a brilliant college student who loves IT and education just like I do. During her leisure time, her creative side is released through drawing, giving some artistic taste to her life. Fidan is full of kindness and humour, and ever willing to help and provide assistance. Fidan is not just another student in the world of IT but a humorous and kind soul leaving her imprint.

Table of contribution:

Team Member Contribution to the event and report Estimated %
Gular Yusubova Contribution on Hour of Code event:
Created accounts and posted the post and video on Instagram and Facebook.
Contributed in:
- Making the plan
- Making the presentation
- Buying Juices
- Shooting videos of the event
- Creating the engaging video with Leyla

Contribution in creating the website:
Contributed in created the website by creating the ‘Event’ part of the website
Shahd Elaydy Communicated with the school and arranged the event time, and created and printed certificates for the students.
Contributed in:
- Making the plan
- Making the presentation
- Buying Juices
- Shooting videos of the event
- Writing the report with Fidan

Contribution in creating the website:
Contributed in created the website by creating the ‘About Us’ part of the website
Leyla Aliyeva Contribution on Hour of Code event:
Created and printed the stickers, and contributed in:
- Making the plan
- Making the presentation
- Buying Juices
- Shooting videos of the event
- Creating the engaging video with Gular

Contribution in creating the website:
Contributed in created the website by creating the ‘Main’ part of the website
Fidan Mammadli Contribution on Hour of Code event:
Contributed in:
- Making the plan
- Making the presentation
- Buying Juices
- Shooting videos of the event
- Writing the report with Shahd

Contribution in creating the website:
Contributed in created the website by creating the ‘Website’ part of the website