Data Dynasty


Our group, consisting of Leyla Aliyeva, Gular Yusubova, Shahd Elaydy, and Fidan Mammadli, planned a two-hour Hour of Code event for about 66 third-year students at Dunya School. Even with limited resources, we made sure that everyone was included and encouraged students to learn about coding by providing them with an educational overview of ADA University. We made innovative use of the tools at hand to get around the computer constraints, hooking up a spare laptop to a projector so that coding was a smooth experience. By extending the program to two hours, participants could delve further into the ideas of coding, and teachers could be proactive in addressing the needs of youngsters with special needs. Twister and other interactive features were included in the coding session, which featured's Classic Maze game and improved comprehension and pleasure. Cultural interaction was promoted via tangible symbols such as Hour of Code stickers and awards. Every student was engaged by inclusive participation tactics, and the results showed positive reactions and heightened interest in computer-related subjects. Despite difficulties, appreciation was given to Ismayil Muallim and Professor Araz for their assistance. A joint effort between the community and Dunya School made the event a success. The extended Hour of Code event had an impact that went beyond just teaching us to code; it inspired us to share our experiences on Facebook and Instagram so that pupils may follow suit.