Data Dynasty


How website works?

A website functions as a cohesive entity through the combined roles of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. HTML serves as the foundational structure, organizing content into paragraphs, headings, images, and more. CSS takes charge of presentation, determining layout, colors, and fonts, enhancing visual appeal. Meanwhile, JavaScript introduces interactivity, enabling dynamic modifications to content, responding to user actions, and facilitating seamless communication with servers. Together, these technologies harmonize to deliver a comprehensive web experience, with HTML as the structural backbone, CSS providing aesthetics, and JavaScript orchestrating dynamic functionality.

Our Website:

Group 16 proudly presents this website, skillfully crafted in four distinct segments. The primary section offers an insightful overview, detailing our involvement in the Hour of Code event. Moving forward, the event section recounts our teaching approach on, complemented by captivating photos and an enriching video, with the implementation of JavaScript in the photo section. The third part, "About Us," introduces our team members and highlights their individual contributions. Concluding our journey, the fourth part delves into the website's functionality, outlines our project's essence, acknowledges the invaluable support from Codecademy, and showcases each member's Codecademy account, accompanied by their profile pictures.

Code Academy

Through individual exploration of the Code Academy website, every team member acquired a deep understanding of its mechanics, completing courses in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This knowledge empowered proficiency in developing personal websites, fostering enthusiasm for future web development endeavors. Codecademy served as the primary platform, providing interactive modules to delve into HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The website's structure and design resulted from insights gained, ensuring practical application of principles learned. The subsequent progress report outlines the individual advancements of each team member, showcasing tangible outcomes of this collaborative learning journey.